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A HULC lab project on verb imageability will be presented at this year's AMLaP Asia conference in Singapore
The project "Predictive processing in patients experiencing auditory verbal hallucinations and healthy controls" receives funding from the MRA Cognitive Science (FoF 4, Heidelberg University)
Workshop of the Heidelberg University Cognitive Science Network
The project Einfach Alpha! is organizing a conference on complexity and simplification of language for different target groups and purposes. (21st and 22nd of March 2024)
Lan Tao will present work on syntactic choice and audience design
Gerwien, J., Schlenter, J., Penke, M., & Konopka, A.E.(2024). Effects of perceptual and conceptual cueing in sentence production: A cross-linguistic comparison between English and Russian. Discourse Processes, 1–20.