Language and Visual processing

The Language and Visual processing group focuses on the interrelation between the visual and linguistic domain. What can eye movements tell us about linguistic processing? Does language modulate the way we perceive visual information? If so, how? How do manipulations of a visual stimulus surface in linguistic representations? How is attention shared between linguistic and visual processing?

Event conceptualisation and linguistic realisation: The impact of semantic and lexical factors on sentence production

Argument structure, the argument vs. adjunct distinction, and thematic roles are most relevant for the encoding of events, but there is little agreement on the definition of these concepts. The project addresses these issues from a psycholinguistic perspective, focusing on the intersection of conceptualisation and formulation in sentence production. Structural priming experiments help to dissociate the predictions based on a strictly incremental model of sentence production from predictions made by a lexicalist account.


Top-down influences on event apprehension

To broaden our understanding of apprehension, the earliest stage of information processing in elicited language production studies, we analyze landing positions and onset latencies of first fixations on visual stimuli given short stimulus presentation times.


Tracking gaze movement while construing and talking about events: a cross-linguistic approach

In this project, we deal with the interrelation between patterns in gaze movement, when watching dynamic video clips, and what is mentioned at what point, when talking about events.


VIPICOL - Visual Information Processing In the Context Of Language

Do we speak about what we see, or do we see what we speak about? This project investigates top-down and bottom-up processes during visual information uptake for event encoding.


Projects associated with this group

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