

Found 2 items matching your query:


Found 47 items matching your query:
  • A listening advantage for native speech is reflected by attention-related activity in auditory cortex

    Liang, M., Gerwien, J., Gutschalk, A. (2025). A listening advantage for native speech is reflected by attention-related activity in auditory cortex. Communications Biology 8, 180 (2025).
  • Effects of perceptual and conceptual cueing in sentence production: A cross-linguistic comparison between English and Russian

    Gerwien, J., Schlenter, J., Penke, M., & Konopka, A.E.(2024). Effects of perceptual and conceptual cueing in sentence production: A cross-linguistic comparison between English and Russian. Discourse Processes, 1–20.
  • Priming of possessive constructions in German: A matter of preference effects?

    Schimke, S. & Pappert, S. (2024). Priming of possessive constructions in German: A matter of preference effects? Languages, 9, 170.
  • Noun imageability and the processing of sensory-based information

    Gerwien, J., Filip, M., & Smolík, F. (2023). Noun imageability and the processing of sensory-based information. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 0(ja).
  • Die Bedeutung sprachspezifischer Ereignisschemata für die Argumentstruktur. Ein Vergleich zwischen dem Ausdruck von Bewegungsereignissen im Deutschen und im Französischen

    Stutterheim, C. v. & Gerwien, J. (2023). Die Bedeutung sprachspezifischer Ereignisschemata für die Argumentstruktur. Ein Vergleich zwischen dem Ausdruck von Bewegungsereignissen im Deutschen und im Französischen. In: Hartmann, J. & Wöllstein, A. (Eds). Propositionale Argumente im Sprachvergleich | Propositional Arguments in Cross-Linguistic Research. Theorie und Empirie | Theoretical and Empirical Issues (Studien zur deutschen Sprache 84). Narr Francke Attempto.

  • What is the interference in "verbal interference"?

    Gerwien, J. & Stutterheim, C. v. & Rummel, J. (2022). What is the interference in "verbal interference"?. Acta Psychologica (230).

  • Eine empirische Untersuchung zu semantischen Interferenz-Effekten bei der Produktion von chinesischen Relativsätzen

    Tao, L. & Gerwien, J. (2022). Eine empirische Untersuchung zu semantischen Interferenz-Effekten bei der Produktion von chinesischen Relativsätzen. In: Zhang, Y & Szurawitzki (ed.): Sprache, Technik und Kultur. Akten des internationalen Studierenden-Symposiums am Beijing Institute of Technology, June 2021. Germanistische Linguistik Volume 3. Königshausen & Neumann.

  • Under the surface: A survey on principles of language use in advanced L2 speakers

    Lambert, M., Stutterheim, C. v., Carroll, M. & Gerwien, J. & (2022). Under the surface: A survey on principles of language use in advanced L2 speakers. Language, Interaction and Acquisition, 13.

    Associated Projects:
  • Describing motion events

    Gerwien, J. & Stutterheim, C. v. (2022). Describing motion events. In: Jucker, A.H. & Hausendorf, H. (ed.) Handbook of Pragmatics (HOPS) 14: The Pragmatics of Space. De Gruyter Mouton, p.152-180.

  • Conceptual blending across ontological domains - References to Time and Space in motion events by Tunisian Arabic speakers of L2 German

    Gerwien, J. & von Stutterheim, Christiane (2022) Conceptual blending across ontological domains - References to Time and Space in motion events by Tunisian Arabic speakers of L2 German. Frontiers in Communication: Language Science.

  • Macro‐event recognition in healthy ageing, Alzheimer’s disease, and mild cognitive impairment
    Kokje, E., Gerwien, J., & von Stutterheim, C. (2021). Macro‐event recognition in healthy ageing, Alzheimer’s disease, and mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Neuropsychology.
    Associated Projects:
  • Gibt es die DO/PO-Alternation im Mandarin Chinesischen?

    Fan, J. & Gerwien, J. (2021). Gibt es die DO/PO-Alternation im Mandarin Chinesischen?. Heidelberg University Papers on Language and Cognition 2 (2).

    Associated Projects:
  • Dynamic Event Types in Frame Semantics: The Representation of Change in FAMEu

    Herweg, M. (2021). Dynamic Event Types in Frame Semantics: The Representation of Change in FAMEu. Heidelberg University Papers on Language and Cognition 2 (1).

    Associated Projects:
  • Coding semantic categories cross-linguistically - a challenge for typological research

    von Stutterheim, C. (2021). Coding semantic categories cross-linguistically - a challenge for typological research. Heidelberg University Papers on Language and Cognition 2 (1).
  • Nominalkomposita und komplexe Nominalphrasen im Leseerwerb

    Mesch, B. & Pappert, S. (2021). Nominalkomposita und komplexe Nominalphrasen im Leseerwerb. Zeitschrift für Sprachlich-Literarisches Lernen und Deutschdidaktik, 1.
  • Limitations on the role of frequency in L2 acquisition

    von Stutterheim, C., Lambert, M., & Gerwien, J. (2021). Limitations on the role of frequency in L2 acquisition. Language and Cognition, 1-31.

    Associated Projects:
  • Motion verb constructions, frames, and profiling

    Herweg, M. (2020) Motion verb constructions, frames, and profiling. Questions and Answers in Linguistics 6(1):1-30.

    Associated Projects:
  • What makes up a reportable event in a language? Motion events as an important test domain in linguistic typology.

    Stutterheim, C. v., Gerwien, J., Bouhaous, A., Carroll, M., Lambert, M. (2020). What makes up a reportable event in a language? Motion events as an important test domain in linguistic typology. Linguisics (published online ahead of print 2020), 000010151520200212. doi:

    Associated Projects:
  • Referential coherence: Children’s understanding of pronoun anaphora. Insights from mono- and bilingual language acquisition.

    Klages, H. & Gerwien, J. (2020). Referential coherence: Children’s understanding of pronoun anaphora. Insights from mono- and bilingual language acquisition. In: Gagarina, N. & Musan, R. (Eds.) Referential and Relational Discourse Coherence in Adults and Children (SOLA53). De Gruyter. (pp.105-138).

  • Easy-to-read German put to test

    Pappert, S. & Bock, B. M. (2020). Easy-to-read German put to test: Do adults with intellectual disability or functional illiteracy benefit from compound segmentation? Reading and Writing, 33, 1105-1131. [Read only:]

  • The interpretation and prediction of event participants in Mandarin verb-final active and passive sentences

    Gerwien, J. (2019). The interpretation and prediction of event participants in Mandarin verb-final active and passive sentences. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science. 1-27.

    Associated Projects:
  • Empirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse

    Loureda, Ó., Recio Fernández, I., Nadal, L. & Cruz, A. (Hgg.) (2019). Empirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, Pragmatics and Beyond. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  • Processing implicit and explicit causality in Spanish

    Nadal, L. & Recio Fernández, I. (2019). Processing implicit and explicit causality in Spanish. In Ó. Loureda, I. Recio Fernández, L. Nadal & A. Cruz (Hgg.), Empirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, Pragmatics and Beyond. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  • Expectation changes over time: how long it takes to process focus imposed by German sogar

    Gerwien, J. & Rudka, M. (2019). Expectation changes over time: how long it takes to process focus imposed by German sogar. In Ó. Loureda, I. Recio Fernández, L. Nadal & A. Cruz (Hgg.), Empirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, Pragmatics and Beyond (S. 229-251). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  • Processing patterns of focusing in Spanish

    Cruz, A. & Ó., Loureda (2019). Processing patterns of focusing in Spanish. In Ó. Loureda, I. Recio Fernández, L. Nadal & A. Cruz (Hgg.), Empirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, Pragmatics and Beyond. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  • Event segmentation: Cross-linguistic differences in verbal and non-verbal tasks.

    Gerwien, J. & v. Stutterheim, C. (2018). Event segmentation: Cross-linguistic differences in verbal and non-verbal tasks. Cognition 180, 225-237.

    Associated Projects:
  • When words and graphs move the eyes: the processing of multimodal causal relations

    Parodi, G., Julio, C. & Recio, I. (2018). When words and graphs move the eyes: the processing of multimodal causal relations, Journal of Eye Movement Research, 11.1.

  • Die Konnektoren des Spanischen: eine experimentelle Annäherung

    Loureda, Ó., Nadal, L. & Recio Fernández, I. (2018). Die Konnektoren des Spanischen: eine experimentelle Annäherung. In Eichinger, L. M. & Volodina, A.: Deutsche Sprache. Zeitschrift für Theorie, Praxis, Dokumentation. 46, 1/18 (82-96). Berlin: Erich Schmidt.

  • Die Interpretation anaphorischer Pronomina bei Kindern im L1- und frühen L2-Erwerb

    Klages, H. & Gerwien, J. (2018). Die Interpretation anaphorischer Pronomina bei Kindern im L1- und frühen L2-Erwerb. In: Schimke, Sarah & Hopp, Holger (Hrsg.). Sprachverarbeitung in der Zweitsprache. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter

    Associated Projects:
  • On argumentative relations in Spanish: experimental evidence on the grammaticalization of cause-consequence discourse markers

    Recio, I., Nadal, L. & Loureda, Ó. (in press). On argumentative relations in Spanish: experimental evidence on the grammaticalization of cause-consequence discourse markers. In: Bordería Pons, S. & Loureda Ó. (ed.), Discourse Markers in Grammaticalization and Constructionalization: new Issues in the Study of Language Change, Leiden: Brill.

  • Processing additivity in Spanish: incluso vs. además

    Nadal, L., Recio Fernández, I., Rudka, M. & Loureda, Ó. (2017). Processing additivity in Spanish: incluso vs. además. In A. De Cesare & C. Andorno (ed.), Focus on Additivity. Adverbial modifiers in Romance, Germanic and Slavic languages (137-154). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

  • Aspectual Class (Under-)Specification in the Generation of Motion Event Representations – A Project Outline

    Gerwien, J. & Herweg, M. (2017). Aspectual Class (Under-)Specification in the Generation of Motion Event Representations – A Project Outline. Heidelberg University Papers on Language and Cognition (1). article

    Associated Projects:
  • Partículas discursivas y cognición. 'Sin embargo’ y la conexión contraargumentativa

    Loureda, Ó., Nadal, L., & Recio, I. (2016). Partículas discursivas y cognición. 'Sin embargo’ y la conexión contraargumentativa. In Sainz González, M.E.; Solís García, I.; del Barrio de la Rosa, F. und Arroyo Hernández, I., Geométrica explosión. Estudios de lengua y literatura en homenaje a René Lenarduzzi, Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica, 1, 175-186.

  • Diskurspartikeln und Übersetzung

    Loureda, Ó., & Nadal, L. (2016). Diskurspartikeln und Übersetzung. In E. Felder & L. Lieb (eds.), Texte seit 1386 (363-372). Heidelberg: Winter Verlag.

  • El significado procedimental y las partículas discursivas del español: una aproximación experimental

    Nadal, L., Cruz, A., Recio, I. & Loureda, Ó., (2016). El significado procedimental y las partículas discursivas del español: una aproximación experimental. In: Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, 49, 52-77.

  • Partículas discursivas y cognición: por tanto y la conexión argumentativa

    Loureda, Ó., Nadal, L., & Recio Fernández, I. (2016). Partículas discursivas y cognición: por tanto y la conexión argumentativa. In:  Romanistisches Jahrbuch, Vol 67, 1, de Gruyter Mouton, 240-254.

  • First things first? Top-down influences on event apprehension

    Gerwien, J. & Flecken, M. (2016). First things first? Top-down influences on event apprehension. In:Papafragou, A., Grodner, D., Mirman, D., & Trueswell, J.C. (Eds.) (2016). Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. abstract and article.

    Associated Projects:
  • Focus Particles in Information Processing: An Experimental Study on Pragmatic Scales with Spanish incluso

    Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., Rudka, M., Nadal, L., Recio, I., & Borreguero, M. (2015). Focus Particles in Information Processing: An Experimental Study on Pragmatic Scales with Spanish incluso. In: De Cesare, A.M. & Andorno, C., Linguistik online 71, 2/15 Focus particles in the Romance and Germanic languages. Experimental and corpus-based approaches, 129-151.

  • There is no prime for time: The missing link between form and concept of progressive aspect in L2 production

    Gerwien, J. & Flecken, M. (2015). There is no prime for time: The missing link between form and concept of progressive aspect in L2 production. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Vol. 18, Iss. 5.

  • En los márgenes del léxico: las partículas focales del español (incluso, también) y el análisis experimental

    Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., & Forschungsgruppe DPKog (2014). En los márgenes del léxico: las partículas focales del español (incluso, también) y el análisis experimental. In: L. Luque Toro & R. Luque (eds.), Léxico Español Actual, Vol. IV, 85-104. Venedig: Cafoscarina.

  • El adverbio de foco incluso en posición pre- y postfocal: un análisis experimental de los costes de procesamiento de estructuras informativas con foco marcado

    Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., Recio, I., & Villalba, C. (2014). El adverbio de foco incluso en posición pre- y postfocal: un análisis experimental de los costes de procesamiento de estructuras informativas con foco marcado. In: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, 44, 95-129.

  • Analyzing gaze allocation during language production: a cross-linguistic study on dynamic events

    Flecken, M., Gerwien, J., Carroll, M. & v. Stutterheim, C. (2014). Analyzing gaze allocation during language production: a cross-linguistic study on dynamic events. Language and Cognition, 2014, 1-29.

  • Verstehen anaphorischer Personalpronomina im DaZ- und DaM-Erwerb

    Klages, H. & Gerwien, J. (2014). Verstehen anaphorischer Personalpronomina im DaZ- und DaM-Erwerb. In: Pagonis, G. & Klages, H. (Eds.), Linguistisch fundierte Sprachförderung und Sprachdidaktik - Grundlagen, Konzepte, Desiderate. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

    Associated Projects:
  • Aproximación experimental sobre los costes de procesamiento de las partículas focales del español también e incluso

    Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., & Forschungsgruppe DPKog (2013). Aproximación experimental sobre los costes de procesamiento de las partículas focales del español también e incluso. In: Cuadernos AISPI. Estudios de lenguas y literaturas ibéricas e iberoamericanas, 2 - Nuevas tendencias en la lingüística del discurso, 75-98.

  • Grammatical aspect modulates event duration estimations: findings from Dutch

    Flecken, M. & Gerwien, J. (2013). Grammatical aspect modulates event duration estimations: findings from Dutch. In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz, & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society pp. 2309‐2314. Austin, TX:Cognitive Science Society. abstract and article.

    Associated Projects:
  • Dime dónde miras, y te diré qué comprendes: experimentos sobre la comprensión de las partículas discursivas

    Loureda, Ó., & Nadal, L. (2011). Dime dónde miras, y te diré qué comprendes: experimentos sobre la comprensión de las partículas discursivas. In: Español Actual, 96, 131-157.

  • A psycholinguistic approach to AT-structure analysis

    Gerwien, J. (2011). A psycholinguistic approach to AT-structure analysis. In: Sprachliche Variationen, Varietäten und Kontexte. Festschrift für Rainer Dietrich, Katharina Spalek, Juliane Domke (ed), Stauffenburg Festschriften.


Found 40 items matching your query:
  • Predictive processing is affected by linguistic complexity of cue-preceding input

    Gerwien, J., Wang, Y., & Wu, F. (2019). Predictive processing is affected by linguistic complexity of cue-preceding input. Poster presented at the 32nd CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/JERP4

  • An empirical approach to focussing with eyetracking: Spanish 'incluso' and German 'sogar'

    Martha Rudka & Adriana Cruz (2018) "An empirical approach to focussing with eyetracking: Spanish 'incluso' and German 'sogar'" - presentation at the Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium Olinco, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic.

    Associated Projects:

        Research area "Focus Operators"

  • ¿Ayuda el significado procedimental de la partícula "even" al procesamiento de escalas pragmáticas en la lectura de inglés como lengua extranjera?: Un estudio experimental mediante eye-tracking.

    Bernales, Carolina and Iria Bello (2017). ¿Ayuda el significado procedimental de la partícula "even" al procesamiento de escalas pragmáticas en la lectura de inglés como lengua extranjera?: Un estudio experimental mediante. Paper delivered at XXII Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Chilena de Lingüística,Universidad Católica del Maule (Chile), November 22-24, 2017.

  • Un estudio experimental sobre la contraargumentacion en español marcada por el conector sin embargo

    Laura Nadal (2017) 'Un estudio experimental sobre la contraargumentacion en español marcada por el conector sin embargo' - presentation at the 5th conference Discourse Markers in Romance Languages, Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium.

    Associated Projects:

        Research area "Connectives"

  • Processing multimodal causal relations in Spanish

    Inés Recio (2017) 'Processing multimodal causal relations in Spanish' - presentation at the 5th conference Discourse Markers in Romance Languages, Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium.

    Associated Projects:

        Discourse, Cognition and Linguistic Markers: Empirical Studies on Text Processing with Eye Tracking Technology

  • Patrones de procesamiento de foco: un análisis experimental

    Adriana Cruz (2017) 'Patrones de procesamiento de foco: un análisis experimental' - presentation at the congress ¿Sin orden ni concierto? La estructura informativa en alemán, español y catalán, Valencia, Spain.

    Associated Projects:


  • El operador focal incluso en español: un estudio experimental

    Óscar Loureda (2017) 'El operador focal incluso en español: un estudio experimental' - presentation at the congress ¿Sin orden ni concierto? La estructura informativa en alemán, español y catalán, Valencia, Spain.

    Associated Projects:

  • Una aproximación experimental a los imaginarios sobre la pobreza en Colombia

    Laura Nadal (2017) 'Una aproximación experimental a los imaginarios sobre la pobreza en Colombia' - presentation at the VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Semiótica, Bogotá, Colombia.

    Associated Projects:

  • Partículas discursivas y cognición: el acercamiento experimental al análisis de los conectores argumentativos

    Inés Recio (2017) 'Partículas discursivas y cognición: el acercamiento experimental al análisis de los conectores argumentativos' - presentation at the VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Semiótica, Bogotá, Colombia.

    Associated Projects:

  • Marcos conceptuales y emociones en el discurso multimodal sobre la pobreza

    Héctor Álvarez (2017) 'Marcos conceptuales y emociones en el discurso multimodal sobre la pobreza ' - presentation at the VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Semiótica, Bogotá, Colombia.

    Associated Projects:

  • Gender representation and processing in Russian-German bilinguals

    Oleksandra Gubina & Johannes Gerwien (2017). Gender representation and processing in Russian-German bilinguals, poster presentation at the 23rd AMLaP conference, Lancaster, UK.

    Associated Projects:
  • 'On the road to ... somewhere?' - Change blindness in event description tasks is informative about the interrelation between visual perception and language planning

    Ines Marberg & Johannes Gerwien (2017) 'On the road to ... somewhere?' - Change blindness in event description tasks is informative about the interrelation between visual perception and language planning, poster presentation at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, London, UK.

    Associated Projects:
  • First things first: Cross-linguistic analyses of event apprehension

    Muqing Li, Johannes Gerwien and Monique Flecken. (oral presentation). First things first: Cross-linguistic analyses of event apprehension. Linguistic Diversity Meets The Brain: Future directions in the language sciences.Workshop at the Department of Comparative Linguistics, University of Zurich on 15th–17th May 2017.

    Associated Projects:
  • Dynamic Event Types and Profiling in Motion Frames. Towards a frame-semantic account of the diversity of motion expressions

    Herweg, M. (2017). Dynamic Event Types and Profiling in Motion Frames. Towards a frame-semantic account of the diversity of motion expressions. (extended version of a) presentation at the HULC Open Lab Day, May 11th, 2017. PDF

    Associated Projects:
  • Processing discourse referents in Mandarin active and passive SOV sentences

    Ran Wang & Gerwien, J. (poster presentation). Processing discourse referents in Mandarin active and passive SOV sentences. 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, March 29-April 1, 2017, Boston, Massachusetts. abstract and poster

    Associated Projects:
  • Predicting object states in Mandarin Chinese – insights from the bǎ-construction

    Gerwien, J. & Kexin Xi (poster presentation). Predicting object states in Mandarin Chinese – insights from the bǎ-construction. 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, March 29-April 1, 2017, Boston, Massachusetts. abstract and poster

    Associated Projects:
  • Processing of expected/unexpected focus in pragmatic scales in Spanish: experimental notes about the Spanish focus particle incluso

    Adrianan Cruz (2016) 'Processing of expected/unexpected focus in pragmatic scales in Spanish: experimental notes about the Spanish focus particle incluso' - presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Approaches to Text Struturing, Valencia, Spain.

    Associated Projects:

        Research area: "Focus Operators"


  • Processing causality in Spanish: the case of por tanto and por eso

    Inés Recio & Laura Nadal (2016) 'Processing causality in Spanish: the case of por tanto and por eso' - presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Approaches to Text Struturing, Valencia, Spain.

    Associated Projects:

        Research area: "Connectives"

  • The impact of aspectual categories on the construal of motion events: The case of Tunisian Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic

    v. Stutterheim, C., Bouhous, A, & Gerwien, J. (poster presentation). The impact of aspectual categories on the construal of motion events: The case of Tunisian Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic. EXAL+ NYU, Abu Dhabi 2016. poster

  • Grammatical constraints on event packaging and potential effects on the segmentation of the perceptual stream: Motion events in language and cognition under a cross linguistic perspective

    Gerwien, J. & v. Stutterheim, C. (oral presentation). Grammatical constraints on event packaging and potential effects on the segmentation of the perceptual stream: Motion events in language and cognition under a cross linguistic perspective. Pre-CUNY workshop: Events in Language and Cognition - 2016, Gainesville, Florida, March 2nd, 2016.

  • 'Save the date' - Eye movements during calendar date processing reflect pre-articulatory self-monitoring

    Kurucz, I. & Gerwien, J. (poster presentation). 'Save the date' - Eye movements during calendar date processing reflect pre-articulatory self-monitoring. 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, March 3-5, 2016, Gainesville, Florida. poster

  • Using the visual world paradigm to study the online processing of the German scalar focus particle “sogar”

    Gerwien, J. & Rudka, M. (poster presentation). Using the visual world paradigm to study the online processing of the German scalar focus particle “sogar”. 3rd AttLis workshop, 10–11 March 2016, Potsdam, Germany. poster

  • El comportamiento de los conectores argumentativos del español: un estudio experimental sobre sin embargo y por tanto

    Laura Nadal (2015) 'El comportamiento de los conectores argumentativos del español: un estudio experimental sobre sin embargo y por tanto' - presentation at the 4. International Symposium: Discourse markers in romance languages: a contrastive approach, Heidelberg, Germany.

    Associated Projects:

        Research area: "Connectives"

  • Foco informativo y foco contrastivo: análisis comparativo de las partículas focales del español y el alemán incluso y sogar

    Adriana Cruz & Martha Rudka (2015) 'Foco informativo y foco contrastivo: análisis comparativo de las partículas focales del español y el alemán incluso y sogar' - presentation at the 4. International Symposium: Discourse markers in romance languages: a contrastive approach, Heidelberg, Germany.

    Associated Projects:

        Research area: "Focus Operators"

  • Processing of informative / contrastive focus in Spanish: experimental notes about the Spanish and German focus particles incluso and sogar

    Adriana Cruz (2015) 'Processing of informative / contrastive focus in Spanish: experimental notes about the Spanish and German focus particles incluso and sogar' - presentation at the 14th International Pragmatics Conference, Antverp, Belgium.

    Associated Projects:

        Research area: "Focus Operators"


  • Positional variation of the Spanish focus particle incluso: cognitive effects

    Inés Recio & Martha Rudka (2015) 'Processing multimodal causal relations in Spanish' - presentation at the International Exploratory Workshop (Follow-Up) on Additive and Restrictive Quantification in Discourse Comparative Perspectives, Basel, Switzerland.

    Associated Projects:

        Research area: "Focus Operators"


  • An experimental study on the spanish connectives sin embargo and por tanto

    Inés Recio & Laura Nadal (2015) 'An experimental study on the spanish connectives sin embargo and por tanto' - presentation at the 13th Conference of the International Pragmatics Association, Antverp, Belgium.

    Associated Projects:

        Research area: "Connectives"

  • Typological differences in spatial and aspectual perspective taking in descriptions of dynamic scenes

    Gerwien, J., Bouhaous, A. & v. Stutterheim, C. (oral presentation). Typological differences in spatial and aspectual perspective taking in descriptions of dynamic scenes. DGFS Jahrestagung, 2015, Leipzig, Germany.

  • Structural priming in the production of progressive aspect in Dutch

    Gerwien, J. & Flecken, M. (poster presentation). Structural priming in the production of progressive aspect in Dutch. CUNY 2015, San Diego, USA.

  • The focus sensitive element German "sogar" – Does the procedural meaning of sogar help speakers to accelerate the comprehension of a semantic scale?

    Rudka, M. & Gerwien, J. (oral presentation). The focus sensitive element German "sogar" – Does the procedural meaning of sogar help speakers to accelerate the comprehension of a semantic scale?. 14th Conference of the International Pragmatics Association, 2015, Antverp, Belgium.

    Associated Projects:
  • Focus shift and Information processing: the Spanish Focus particle incluso

    Inés Recio & Adriana Cruz (2017) 'Focus shift and Information processing: the Spanish Focus particle incluso' - presentation at the XI International Conference on General Linguistics, Pamplona, Spain.

    Associated Projects:

       Research area: "Focus Operators"

  • How to Get into People's Heads - Three psycholinguistic methods to investigate viewpoint aspect

    Gerwien, J. (invited talk). How to Get into People's Heads - Three psycholinguistic methods to investigate viewpoint aspect. Institute of English Philology (Prof. Joanna Blaszczak), University of Wroclaw, Poland (November 2014).

  • Fokuspartikeln und Informationsverarbeitung: eine experimentelle Untersuchung

    Laura Nadal & Inés Recio (2013) 'Fokuspartikeln und Informationsverarbeitung: eine experimentelle Untersuchung' - presentation at the LIMES IX, Heidelberg, Germany.

    Associated Projects:

        Research area: "Focus Operators"

  • Partículas discursivas y cognición: apuntes experimentales y contrastivos (español - alemán) a partir de variables del hablante

    Inés Recio & Óscar Loureda (2013) 'Partículas discursivas y cognición: apuntes experimentales y contrastivos (español - alemán) a partir de variables del hablante' - presentation at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguisticae Europaea, Split, Croatia.

    Associated Projects:

       Discourse Particles and Cognition


  • The focus particle incluso: an experimental approach to marked and unmarked focus processing in spanish

    Inés Recio & Adriana Cruz (2013) 'The focus particle incluso: an experimental approach to marked and unmarked focus processing in spanish' - presentation at the International Workshop “Fachsprachlicher Diskurs und Diskursmarkierung in den romanischen Sprachen, Milano, Italy.

    Associated Projects:

        Research area: "Focus Operators"

  • Event duration estimations are modulated by grammatical aspect

    Flecken, M. & Gerwien, J. (oral presentation). Event duration estimations are modulated by grammatical aspect. AMLaP 2013, Marseille, France (September 2013).

  • 'Progressive' priming in sentence production: conceptual and form-related features of progressive aspect in Dutch

    Gerwien, J. & Flecken, M. (poster presentation). 'Progressive' priming in sentence production: conceptual and form-related features of progressive aspect in Dutch. AMLaP 2013, Marseille, France (September 2013). poster

  • Typological constraints on event conceptualization: implications for L2 processing

    Flecken, M., Gerwien, J. & v. Stutterheim, C. Typological constraints on event conceptualization: implications for L2 processing. Talk at ESF exploratory workshop, University of Reading (UK) (September 2012).

  • Is Event Apprehension Language-Specific? A Comparison of Spanish and German

    Flecken, M. & Gerwien, J. (poster presentation). Is Event Apprehension Language-Specific? A Comparison of Spanish and German. AMLaP 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy (September 2012). abstract and poster.

  • Partículas discursivas y cognición: apuntes experimentales y contrastivos (español-alemán) sobre focalizadores y reformuladores

    Laura Nadal & Óscar Loureda (2011) 'Partículas discursivas y cognición: apuntes experimentales y contrastivos (español-alemán) sobre focalizadores y reformuladores' - presentation at the Internationale Tagung zur kontrastiven Phraseologie Deusch-Spanisch/Galizisch, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

    Associated Projects:

        Discourse Particles and Cognition



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