Johannes Gerwien
Johannes Gerwien (PostDoc) is a co-founder of the HULC lab. His main scientific interest concerns the representation and linguistic encoding of events and the interrelation between visual perception and linguistic representation. He is approaching these topics from the perspective of language production, as well as language comprehension. Currently he is involved in several HULC lab projects (see side bar) and interdisciplinary cooperations.
Learn more about Johannes' teaching activity at his profile on the IDF server.
Books:Dietrich, Rainer & Gerwien, Johannes (2017). Psycholinguistik - Eine Einführung. J.B. Metzler, Auflage: 3.
Articles:Gerwien, J., Schlenter, J., Penke, M., & Konopka, A.E.(2024). Effects of perceptual and conceptual cueing in sentence production: A cross-linguistic comparison between English and Russian. Discourse Processes, 1–20.
Gerwien, J., Filip, M., & Smolík, F. (2023). Noun imageability and the processing of sensory-based information. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 0(ja).
Gerwien, J. & von Stutterheim, Christiane (2022) Conceptual blending across ontological domains - References to Time and Space in motion events by Tunisian Arabic speakers of L2 German. Frontiers in Communication: Language Science.
Gerwien, J. & Stutterheim, C. v. (2022). Describing motion events. In: Jucker, A.H. & Hausendorf, H. (ed.) Handbook of Pragmatics (HOPS) 14: The Pragmatics of Space. De Gruyter Mouton, p.152-180.
Lambert, M., Stutterheim, C. v., Carroll, M. & Gerwien, J. & (2022). Under the surface: A survey on principles of language use in advanced L2 speakers. Language, Interaction and Acquisition, 13.
Tao, L. & Gerwien, J. (2022). Eine empirische Untersuchung zu semantischen Interferenz-Effekten bei der Produktion von chinesischen Relativsätzen. In: Zhang, Y & Szurawitzki (ed.): Sprache, Technik und Kultur. Akten des internationalen Studierenden-Symposiums am Beijing Institute of Technology, June 2021. Germanistische Linguistik Volume 3. Königshausen & Neumann.
Gerwien, J. & Stutterheim, C. v. & Rummel, J. (2022). What is the interference in "verbal interference"?. Acta Psychologica (230).
von Stutterheim, C., Lambert, M., & Gerwien, J. (2021). Limitations on the role of frequency in L2 acquisition. Language and Cognition, 1-31.
Fan, J. & Gerwien, J. (2021). Gibt es die DO/PO-Alternation im Mandarin Chinesischen?. Heidelberg University Papers on Language and Cognition 2 (2).
Klages, H. & Gerwien, J. (2020). Referential coherence: Children’s understanding of pronoun anaphora. Insights from mono- and bilingual language acquisition. In: Gagarina, N. & Musan, R. (Eds.) Referential and Relational Discourse Coherence in Adults and Children (SOLA53). De Gruyter. (pp.105-138).
Stutterheim, C. v., Gerwien, J., Bouhaous, A., Carroll, M., Lambert, M. (2020). What makes up a reportable event in a language? Motion events as an important test domain in linguistic typology. Linguisics (published online ahead of print 2020), 000010151520200212. doi:
Gerwien, J. (2019). The interpretation and prediction of event participants in Mandarin verb-final active and passive sentences. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science. 1-27.
Gerwien, J. & Rudka, M. (2019). Expectation changes over time: how long it takes to process focus imposed by German sogar. In Ó. Loureda, I. Recio Fernández, L. Nadal & A. Cruz (Hgg.), Empirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, Pragmatics and Beyond (S. 229-251). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Klages, H. & Gerwien, J. (2018). Die Interpretation anaphorischer Pronomina bei Kindern im L1- und frühen L2-Erwerb. In: Schimke, Sarah & Hopp, Holger (Hrsg.). Sprachverarbeitung in der Zweitsprache. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter
Gerwien, J. & v. Stutterheim, C. (2018). Event segmentation: Cross-linguistic differences in verbal and non-verbal tasks. Cognition 180, 225-237.
Gerwien, J. & Herweg, M. (2017). Aspectual Class (Under-)Specification in the Generation of Motion Event Representations – A Project Outline. Heidelberg University Papers on Language and Cognition (1). article
Gerwien, J. & Flecken, M. (2016). First things first? Top-down influences on event apprehension. In:Papafragou, A., Grodner, D., Mirman, D., & Trueswell, J.C. (Eds.) (2016). Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. abstract and article.
Gerwien, J. & Flecken, M. (2015). There is no prime for time: The missing link between form and concept of progressive aspect in L2 production. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Vol. 18, Iss. 5.
Klages, H. & Gerwien, J. (2014). Verstehen anaphorischer Personalpronomina im DaZ- und DaM-Erwerb. In: Pagonis, G. & Klages, H. (Eds.), Linguistisch fundierte Sprachförderung und Sprachdidaktik - Grundlagen, Konzepte, Desiderate. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Flecken, M., Gerwien, J., Carroll, M. & v. Stutterheim, C. (2014). Analyzing gaze allocation during language production: a cross-linguistic study on dynamic events. Language and Cognition, 2014, 1-29.
Flecken, M. & Gerwien, J. (2013). Grammatical aspect modulates event duration estimations: findings from Dutch. In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz, & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society pp. 2309‐2314. Austin, TX:Cognitive Science Society. abstract and article.
Gerwien, J. (2011). A psycholinguistic approach to AT-structure analysis. In: Sprachliche Variationen, Varietäten und Kontexte. Festschrift für Rainer Dietrich, Katharina Spalek, Juliane Domke (ed), Stauffenburg Festschriften.
Presentations:Gerwien, J., Wang, Y., & Wu, F. (2019). Predictive processing is affected by linguistic complexity of cue-preceding input. Poster presented at the 32nd CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/JERP4
Gerwien, J. & Kexin Xi (poster presentation). Predicting object states in Mandarin Chinese – insights from the bǎ-construction. 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, March 29-April 1, 2017, Boston, Massachusetts. abstract and poster
Ran Wang & Gerwien, J. (poster presentation). Processing discourse referents in Mandarin active and passive SOV sentences. 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, March 29-April 1, 2017, Boston, Massachusetts. abstract and poster
Muqing Li, Johannes Gerwien and Monique Flecken. (oral presentation). First things first: Cross-linguistic analyses of event apprehension. Linguistic Diversity Meets The Brain: Future directions in the language sciences.Workshop at the Department of Comparative Linguistics, University of Zurich on 15th–17th May 2017.
Ines Marberg & Johannes Gerwien (2017) 'On the road to ... somewhere?' - Change blindness in event description tasks is informative about the interrelation between visual perception and language planning, poster presentation at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, London, UK.
Oleksandra Gubina & Johannes Gerwien (2017). Gender representation and processing in Russian-German bilinguals, poster presentation at the 23rd AMLaP conference, Lancaster, UK.
Gerwien, J. & Rudka, M. (poster presentation). Using the visual world paradigm to study the online processing of the German scalar focus particle “sogar”. 3rd AttLis workshop, 10–11 March 2016, Potsdam, Germany. poster
Kurucz, I. & Gerwien, J. (poster presentation). 'Save the date' - Eye movements during calendar date processing reflect pre-articulatory self-monitoring. 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, March 3-5, 2016, Gainesville, Florida. poster
Gerwien, J. & v. Stutterheim, C. (oral presentation). Grammatical constraints on event packaging and potential effects on the segmentation of the perceptual stream: Motion events in language and cognition under a cross linguistic perspective. Pre-CUNY workshop: Events in Language and Cognition - 2016, Gainesville, Florida, March 2nd, 2016.
v. Stutterheim, C., Bouhous, A, & Gerwien, J. (poster presentation). The impact of aspectual categories on the construal of motion events: The case of Tunisian Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic. EXAL+ NYU, Abu Dhabi 2016. poster
Rudka, M. & Gerwien, J. (oral presentation). The focus sensitive element German "sogar" – Does the procedural meaning of sogar help speakers to accelerate the comprehension of a semantic scale?. 14th Conference of the International Pragmatics Association, 2015, Antverp, Belgium.
Gerwien, J. & Flecken, M. (poster presentation). Structural priming in the production of progressive aspect in Dutch. CUNY 2015, San Diego, USA.
Gerwien, J., Bouhaous, A. & v. Stutterheim, C. (oral presentation). Typological differences in spatial and aspectual perspective taking in descriptions of dynamic scenes. DGFS Jahrestagung, 2015, Leipzig, Germany.
Gerwien, J. (invited talk). How to Get into People's Heads - Three psycholinguistic methods to investigate viewpoint aspect. Institute of English Philology (Prof. Joanna Blaszczak), University of Wroclaw, Poland (November 2014).
Gerwien, J. & Flecken, M. (poster presentation). 'Progressive' priming in sentence production: conceptual and form-related features of progressive aspect in Dutch. AMLaP 2013, Marseille, France (September 2013). poster
Flecken, M. & Gerwien, J. (oral presentation). Event duration estimations are modulated by grammatical aspect. AMLaP 2013, Marseille, France (September 2013).
Flecken, M. & Gerwien, J. (poster presentation). Is Event Apprehension Language-Specific? A Comparison of Spanish and German. AMLaP 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy (September 2012). abstract and poster.
Flecken, M., Gerwien, J. & v. Stutterheim, C. Typological constraints on event conceptualization: implications for L2 processing. Talk at ESF exploratory workshop, University of Reading (UK) (September 2012).